速報APP / 生產應用 / Protect My Photos--Password Private Phot

Protect My Photos--Password Private Phot



檔案大小:12.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 英語

Protect My Photos--Password Private Photos(圖1)-速報App


Each person has its own secret photos, we don't want someone that we don't allow to see them. While our app Protect My Photos- Password Private Photos will keep Your valuable, private, and incriminating photos away from prying eyes.

Open this app and take photos, these photos will only see in the app, anyone else can't see them in the Photos folder of the sys. Or you can use ★★Protect My Photos- Password Private Photos★★ to import your secret private photos from sys photos first, then delete them in the default folder of sys. Then you can completely protect your photos.

Once you get in, ★★Protect My Photos- Password Private Photos★★ will tell you the time of last logging in, you can check if someone else has your password and logged in and reset your password.

If you forget the password, you can answer the question you previous setted to reset your new password, this makes your private photo much safer.

★★Key Features:★★

★ Take private photos from within the app!

Protect My Photos--Password Private Photos(圖2)-速報App

★ Import photos from your iPhone/iPod/iPad

★ Export photos to your iPhone/iPod/iPad

★ Support custom photo albums for your photos

★ Fully customizable slideshows, music background when previewing enabled

★ Share photos via Email

★ Supports copy/paste/cut

★ Stylish, easy to use interface

Protect My Photos--Password Private Photos(圖3)-速報App

★ Full Retina display support

Protect My Photos--Password Private Photos(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad